Clippings of the most valuable content in cyberspace_

Fight against the inwardly-weak algorithm with careful artificial selection

Mixin the cold code with warm words


Fight against the inwardly-weak algorithm with careful artificial selection

Mixin the cold code with warm words


01 // What's inside?

  • Curiosity
    "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." 
    ― Albert Einstein
  • Empathy
    "Men build too many walls and not enough bridges." 
    ― Joseph Fort Newton
  • Rationality
    “I had been mad enough to study reason; I was reasonable enough to study madness.”
    ― Michel Foucault

02 // Who's behind?

  • imageHi, I'm Shyrz!
    I'm a developer & writer living in China that willing to discuss topics about efficiency, rationality, and philosophy.
    I love coding, reading and writing. And delighted by gaming and other forms of art.

03 // FAQs

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